Conversations With My Dad

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

When You Don't Know...

These are a few priceless nuggets by Dr's Henry Cloud and John Townsend.
Courage: You cannot journey God's way without encourntering risk and fear.  Sometimes the task looks too daunting to face.  There is safety in numbers, so just having a support team close by will build your courage.  But you also need people nearby who will tell you what Paul told his friends who wer in great danger.  "So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that is will happen just as he told me." (Acts 27:25)  
Accountability: Cars and airplanes have gauges which constantly report the status of the engine and warn of malfunctions.  Companies are periodically audited to inform their directors of needed corrections.  In the same way, you need to be held accountable by others who will monitor your progress and keep you on track.  You need people on your team who are interested enough to ask the touch quesitons:  How is your faith doing?  Where are you failing?  What kind of help do you need? send those you support to this link to help the build the stong cord which is not easily broken.

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