Conversations With My Dad

Monday, July 11, 2011

Protecting Your Heart as You Pray

It is wonderful that we have the collection of situations compiled in God's written word to show us how He thinks, what He desires and many of His warnings.  We know that Joseph correctly "ran" from a snare, we know that Lot and his family were told to flee.  Lot's wife turned back and was turned to a pillar of salt.  We also know that David was told to "run" toward a battle, Joshua was told to instruct everyone to stay but instead of fighting with weapons to use the actions of their feet and releasing their breath, blowing trumpets and shouting.  We also know that Christ is with us showing us what we individually are to do when called to fight the good fight.  Do question is do you believe it.....I mean REALLY believe that?

If so, and He has called you to be what I refer to as a bended warrior, a warrior on your knees, then utilize this prayer in prose to protect your heart as you faithfully kneel in the gap for the one He is trying desperately to save.  This is His promise to anyone given the grace to be his lost sheep security blanket: 
James 5: 19, 20 (NAS)
My brethren, if any among you strays from the truth, and one turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.

My Sad Heart Sings

My sad heart sings, for His promises I believe
My faith hold firm joy, which I know the morning brings
Grief for the loss, as my wailing pours out
I pity his place, though I know his days are safe

My God this is hard, even with all I know
My experience is not large, compared to his need
I know you use all things, to accomplish his good
But for now my heart is breaking, as I feel his despair
Through anger and vengeance his wrath is felt

These burdens you bore, as it ripped off your flesh
But I too feel torn from the pressure and hate
Protect my heart with your hand, for it heals all these things
So that I may speak boldly, withholding no good thing
I denounce all other power, except for your name
Nothing else is eternal, your love binds to uphold
I pray that he seek you, your counsel in full
To see all things clearly: that he is adored,
In Christ there is no condemnation…no guilt or shame

I request satan be bound from him, and he protected by your grace
Have mercy upon him; what he sees is a lie
Pierce him deeply to usher in your light
In you there is no shifting shadow only angels to take charge
All good things you offer so that his mind may transform
I beseech you dear Father, this is my request:
To love him and save him, to prosper him in all ways
If I am a hindrance, remove me this day
His life is too precious and I am already saved
In Christ, through the Holy Spirit, my faith knows this is done
To God be all the glory for the mighty things he has done
~by Candace Huffmaster
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